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Welcome to This website is owned by LYNX-Lawrence & Mayo Group, India.
Visitors to this website are bound by the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any of these terms and conditions, please do not use this website. For the purpose of these terms and conditions, “website” refers to which may link to other websites.

Our Corporate philosophy, “Quality, Value and Services”, is far more than a mission statment adoring a wall. It is a living culture at Lawrence & mayo, a goal that is nurtured and put into action by every employee,every day.

Since the essence of all development is constant growth and progress, We create an atmosphere where our people can innovate and function to their full capacity. Our in-house training facilities for our managers and team members keep them in touch with the latest trends and development in the business. Our people are periodically trained at various renewed centers in India and abroad.

With a Wealth of expertise acquired over than course of a century, Lawrence & Mayo along with its Technical Development Service Centers(TDSC),pursues its ultimate goal of excellence in design and innovation. Our commitment to our corporate philosophy has led our customers to accept our perfection as tradition, in fact to demand it, in their dealing with us.

With a wide network of strategically located branches and customer relationships based on a rock solid foundation of trust, the Organization today stand strong, balanced and poised to meet the needs of rapidly growing Indian market for Precision Instruments.

Our prolific past of over 143 event filled years of pioneering work and many break through achievements makes us aware of the necessity of raising our sights of building for the future as we aspire to fulfill the demands of our nation’s aspirations.

Be it in the field of all development projects like construction, infrastructure, management of water resources, environmental monitoring, supporting alternative energy progress….

Also meeting the needs of Research and Quality Control Laboratories of Private and Public sector.

Our Legacy

Lawrence & Mayo, one of the living centurions in the Corporate World, needs no introduction to the Public in India. Year 2002 was be a memorable landmark in the long and honorable history of this corporate entity as it was celebrate its post century silver jubilee during this year. Looking back in to the history, it will be interesting to know how Human effort of several generations has built and nurtured this company through 143 years of its marvelous existence.

Lawrence and Mayo, traces its roots to two London based Jewish families, that of Lawrence and Mayo. The two families set up operations all over the world including London, Cairo, Spain, Portugal, Indian subcontinent, Colombo, Rangoon and Singapore. Not much information is available on the early history of the company, but its reputation as a chain of High grade Opticians and makers of best quality Survey, Scientific and Meteorological Instruments was well known. Records show than L&M opened its first Indian office and showroom in Calcutta in the year 1877.

In the year 1938 L&M was incorporated under the Indian Companies Act 1913, as a private limited company. It was then controlled by a Britisher L H Alliston but he was soon to find an able successor in an Indian named I C Mendonca whose initiative took him all the way to Lahore and Karachi where he set up an optical workshop and showrooms. Mr. Mendonca returned to Calcutta before the partition and continued with the operations of the Company. It is he who nurtured the organisation after his takeover AND laid solid foundation for its future growth in India. The company became wholly Indian since 1967.

Legal Disclaimer

Although LYNX-Lawrence & Mayo Group tries to ensure that all information and recommendations, whether in relation to the business, products, services, offerings or otherwise provided as part of the website is correct at the time of inclusion on the website, LYNX-Lawrence & Mayo Group does not, expressly or impliedly, warrant, guarantee or make any representations concerning the use, results of use or inability to use or access the information or contents of the Website, in terms of accuracy, reliability, completeness, currentness, functionality, performance, continuity, timeliness or otherwise, fitness for a particular purpose and/or non-infringement with respect to the Website and/ or the content available on it. Also, any information or data available on this Website may contain inaccuracies and/or typography errors. LYNX-Lawrence & Mayo Group does not warrant that the Website or functions thereof will be uninterrupted or free of any error or defect or that such information will satisfy any intended purpose or requirement of the user.

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If you require any clarifications on the use of your Personal Information by LYNX-Lawrence & Mayo Group, please contact us at or with the subject line, “privacy”.

Copyright © 1st April, 2019 to 31st March, 2020 LYNX-Lawrence & Mayo Group. All Rights Reserved.

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