Pesticide drift is increasingly important to commerical applicators. Now you can monitor wind speed and direction and data log weather cinditions with the ultrasonic WatchDog Sprayer Station. While on the go, the station uses its internal compass and GPS to adjust the wind sensor values by subtracing the vehicle speed and direction to compute the true wind speed and direction. Accurate data helps pesticide applicators make important decisions regarding weather conditions that affect safety, drift and proper pesticide application. User controlled data logging of weather conditions providea evience of suitable conditions for pesticide application.
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Sprayer Station
Categories Weather Instruments, Weather Stations
Description and About
Pesticide drift is increasingly important to commerical applicators. Now you can monitor wind speed and direction and data log weather cinditions with the ultrasonic WatchDog Sprayer Station. While on the go, the station uses its internal compass and GPS to adjust the wind sensor values by subtracing the vehicle speed and direction to compute the true wind speed and direction. Accurate data helps pesticide applicators make important decisions regarding weather conditions that affect safety, drift and proper pesticide application. User controlled data logging of weather conditions providea evience of suitable conditions for pesticide application.
Pesticide drift is increasingly important to commerical applicators. Now you can monitor wind speed and direction and data log weather cinditions with the ultrasonic WatchDog Sprayer Station. While on the go, the station uses its internal compass and GPS to adjust the wind sensor values by subtracing the vehicle speed and direction to compute the true wind speed and direction. Accurate data helps pesticide applicators make important decisions regarding weather conditions that affect safety, drift and proper pesticide application. User controlled data logging of weather conditions providea evience of suitable conditions for pesticide application.
Pesticide drift is increasingly important to commerical applicators. Now you can monitor wind speed and direction and data log weather cinditions with the ultrasonic WatchDog Sprayer Station. While on the go, the station uses its internal compass and GPS to adjust the wind sensor values by subtracing the vehicle speed and direction to compute the true wind speed and direction. Accurate data helps pesticide applicators make important decisions regarding weather conditions that affect safety, drift and proper pesticide application. User controlled data logging of weather conditions providea evience of suitable conditions for pesticide application.
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